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Import the Pandas Module

import pandas as pd

Create a DataFrame

# Method 1
df1 = pd.DataFrame({
    'name': ['John Smith', 'Jane Doe'],
    'address': ['13 Main St.', '46 Maple Ave.'],
    'age': [34, 28]

# Method 2
df2 = pd.DataFrame([
    ['John Smith', '123 Main St.', 34],
    ['Jane Doe', '456 Maple Ave.', 28],
    ['Joe Schmo', '9 Broadway', 51]
    columns=['name', 'address', 'age'])

Loading and Saving CSVs

# Load a CSV File in to a DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv('my-csv-file.csv')

# Saving DataFrame to a CSV File

# Load DataFrame in Chunks (For large Datasets)
# Initialize reader object: urb_pop_reader
urb_pop_reader = pd.read_csv('ind_pop_data.csv', chunksize=1000)

# Get the first DataFrame chunk: df_urb_pop
df_urb_pop = next(urb_pop_reader)

Inspect a DataFrame

First 5 rows
Statistics of columns (row count, null values, datatype)

Reshape (for Scikit)

nums = np.array(range(1, 11))
-> [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]

nums = nums.reshape(-1, 1)
-> [ [1],
You can think of reshape() as rotating this array. Rather than one big row of numbers, nums is now a big column of numbers - there’s one number in each row.

Converting Datatypes

# Convert argument to numeric type­_nu­mer­ic(arg, errors­="ra­ise­")

"­rai­se" -> raise an exception
"­coe­rce­" -> invalid parsing will be set as NaN

DataFrame for Select Columns / Rows

df = pd.DataFrame([
  ['January', 100, 100, 23, 100],
  ['February', 51, 45, 145, 45],
  ['March', 81, 96, 65, 96],
  ['April', 80, 80, 54, 180],
  ['May', 51, 54, 54, 154],
  ['June', 112, 109, 79, 129]],

  columns=['month', 'east', 'north', 'south', 'west']

Select Columns

# Select one Column
clinic_north = df.north
--> Reshape values for Scikit learn: clinic_north.values.reshape(-1, 1)

# Select multiple Columns
clinic_north_south = df[['north', 'south']]
Make sure that you have a double set of brackets [[ ]], or this command won’t work!

Select Rows

# Select one Row
march = df.iloc[2]

# Select multiple Rows
jan_feb_march = df.iloc[:3]
feb_march_april = df.iloc[1:4]
may_june = df.iloc[-2:]

# Select Rows with Logic
january = df[df.month == 'January']
-> <, >, <=, >=, !=, ==

march_april = df[(df.month == 'March') | (df.month == 'April')]
-> &, |

january_february_march = df[df.month.isin(['January', 'February', 'March'])]
-> column_name.isin([" ", " "])
Selecting a Subset of a Dataframe often results in non-co­nse­cutive indices.

Using .reset­_in­dex() will create a new DataFrame move the old indices into a new colum called index.

Use .reset­_in­dex­(dr­op=­True) if you dont need the index column.
Use .reset­_in­dex­(in­pla­ce=­True) to prevent a new DataFrame from brein created.

Adding a Column

df = pd.DataFrame([
  [1, '3 inch screw', 0.5, 0.75],
  [2, '2 inch nail', 0.10, 0.25],
  [3, 'hammer', 3.00, 5.50],
  [4, 'screwdriver', 2.50, 3.00]
  columns=['Product ID', 'Description', 'Cost to Manufacture', 'Price']

# Add a Column with specified row-values
df['Sold in Bulk?'] = ['Yes', 'Yes', 'No', 'No']

# Add a Column with same value in every row
df['Is taxed?'] = 'Yes'

# Add a Column with calculation
df['Revenue'] = df['Price'] - df['Cost to Manufacture']

Performing Column Operation

df = pd.DataFrame([
  ['JOHN SMITH', '[email protected]'],
  ['Jane Doe', '[email protected]'],
  ['joe schmo', '[email protected]']
columns=['Name', 'Email'])

# Changing a column with an Operation
df['Name'] = df.Name.apply(lower)
-> lower, upper

# Perform a lambda Operation on a Column
get_last_name = lambda x: x.split(" ")[-1]
df['last_name'] = df.Name.apply(get_last_name)

Performing a Operation on Multiple Columns

df = pd.DataFrame([
  ["Apple", 1.00, "No"],
  ["Milk", 4.20, "No"],
  ["Paper Towels", 5.00, "Yes"],
  ["Light Bulbs", 3.75, "Yes"],
  columns=["Item", "Price", "Is taxed?"])

# Lambda Function
df['Price with Tax'] = df.apply(lambda row:
     row['Price'] * 1.075
     if row['Is taxed?'] == 'Yes'
     else row['Price'],
We apply a lambda to rows, as opposed to columns, when we want to perform functi­onality that needs to access more than one column at a time.

Rename Columns

# Method 1
df.columns = ['NewName_1', 'NewName_2, 'NewName_3', '...']

# Method 2
    'OldName_1': 'NewName_1',
    'OldName_2': 'NewName_2'
}, inplace=True)
Using inplac­e=True lets us edit the original DataFrame.

Series vs. Dataframes

# Dataframe and Series
# <class 'panda­s.c­­rie­s.S­eri­es'>

# <class 'panda­s.c­­ame.Da­taF­ram­e'>

# <class 'panda­s.c­­ame.Da­taF­ram­e'>
In Pandas
- a series is a one-di­men­sional object that contains any type of data.

- a dataframe is a two-di­men­sional object that can hold multiple columns of different types of data.

A single column of a dataframe is a series, and a dataframe is a container of two or more series objects.

Column Statistics

Mean = Average
Minimal Value
Maximum Value
Number of Values
Unique Values
Standard Deviation
List of Unique Values
Dont't forget reset_­index() at the end of a groupby operation

Calcul­ating Aggregate Functions

# Group By
grouped = df.groupby(['col1', 'col2']).col3
# -> group by column1 and column2, calculate values of column3

# Percentile
high_earners = df.groupby('category').wage
    .apply(lambda x: np.percentile(x, 75))
# np.percentile can calculate any percentile over an array of values
Don't forget reset.i­ndex()

Pivot Tables

orders = pd.read_csv('orders.csv')

shoe_counts = orders.
groupby(['shoe_type', 'shoe_color']).

shoe_counts_pivot = shoe_counts.pivot(
index = 'shoe_type',
columns = 'shoe_color',
values = 'id').reset_index()
We have to build a temporary table where we group by the columns we want to include in the pivot table

Merge (Same Column Name)

sales = pd.read_csv('sales.csv')
targets = pd.read_csv('targets.csv')
men_women = pd.read_csv('men_women_sales.csv')

# Method 1
sales_targets = pd.merge(sales, targets, how=" ")
# how: "inner"(default), "outer", "left", "right"

#Method 2 (Method Chaining)
all_data = sales.merge(targets).merge(men_women)

Inner Merge (Different Column Name)

orders = pd.read_csv('orders.csv')
products = pd.read_csv('products.csv')

# Method 1: Rename Columns
orders_products = pd.merge(orders, products.rename(columns={'id':'product_id'}), how=" ")
# how: "inner"(default), "outer", "left", "right"

# Method 2: 
orders_products = 
pd.merge(orders, products,
Method 2:
If we use this syntax, we’ll end up with two columns called id.
Pandas won’t let you have two columns with the same name, so it will change them to id_x and id_y.
We can help make them more useful by using the keyword suffixes.


bakery = pd.read_csv('bakery.csv')
ice_cream = pd.read_csv('ice_cream.csv')

menu = pd.concat([bakery, ice_cream])

Melt­lt(­Dat­aFrame, id_vars, value_­vars, var_name, value_­nam­e='­value')

id_vars: Column(s) to use as identifier variables.

value_­vars: Column(s) to unpivot. If not specified, uses all columns that are not set as id_vars.

var_name: Name to use for the ‘variable’ column.

value_­name: Name to use for the ‘value’ column.
Unpivot a DataFrame from wide to long format, optionally leaving identi­fiers set.

Assert Statements

# Test if country is of type object
assert == np.object

# Test if year is of type int64
assert gapminder.year.dtypes == np.int64

# Test if life_expectancy is of type float64
assert gapminder.life_expectancy.dtypes == np.float64

# Assert that country does not contain any missing values
assert pd.notnull(

# Assert that year does not contain any missing values
assert pd.notnull(gapminder.year).all()


The cheat sheet is really comprehensive. Nice work. Thanks alot for putting this together.

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