What are ethics
Personal beliefs regardiing what is right and wrong |
Behaviour that conforms to generally accespted social norms |
The law |
Virtues and vices |
Belief systems |
Integrity |
What is an ethical dilema?
A situation where two values, responsibilities or obligations are in conflict. Value v Value |
Consequentialist theory
Position that conduct consequences form the basis for judgement of appropriateness |
"Do the ends justify the means?" |
Thus, from a consequentialist standpoint, a morally right act (or omission from acting) is one that will produce a good outcome, or consequence. |
Some argue that consequentialist and deontological theories are not necessarily mutually exclusive |
Ethical awareness / judgement
Decision maker must recognise ethical nature of problem or ethical decision making can not come into play |
Research shows ethical issues stimulate a different part of brain to neutral |
People more likely to be ethically aware if |
1 |
believe peers will see as ethical problem (people look to social environment for cues) |
2 |
Ethical lanuage used to present problem (framing the problem can influence response, also use of euphamistic language) |
3 |
There is potential for serious harm (morally intense) |
Cognitive Barriers
Barriers to Fact Gathering |
Overconfidence |
“Confirmation Trap” |
Barriers to Consideration of Consequences |
Tend to reduce number of consequences considered to simplify decision making |
Consider own consequences more than those of others, perhaps due to immediacy |
May ignore consequences which affect only a few people. Put self in their shoes. |
May underestimate risk due to illusion of optimism, illusion of control |
Escalation of commitment over time. Somethings get bigger as time goes on and people have a tendancy to continue due to the time already put in |
Barrier to Integrity |
People are likely to think positively about their own Ethics. Known as Illusion of superiority or illusion of morality |
Barriers to Gut Feel |
Be careful trusting your gut because it may be wrong |
Unconsious attitudes likely bias our decision making |
Non-rational emotions |
What is business ethics?
Choices about what the laws should be and whether to follow them |
Choices about economic and social issues outside the domain of law |
Choices about the priority of self interest over the company’s interests |
The principles, norms, and standards of conduct governing an individual or group
Normative approaches to ethics
Consequentialist theories |
Focus on consequences |
Deontological theories |
Focus on duties, obligations, principles |
Virtue Ethics |
Focus on integrity |
Normative ethics
Normative ethics is the study of ethical action. It is the branch of philosophical ethics that investigates the set of questions that arise when considering how one ought to act, morally speaking. |
8 step guide to sound decision making
1. Gather the facts |
2. Define the ethical issue/s |
3. Identify affected people - stakeholders |
4. Identify the consequences |
5. Identify the obligations, and the reason for each one |
6. Consider your character and integrity |
7. Think creatively about solutions |
8. Check your intuition/gut feel |
Kohlbergs 6 stages of moral development
Who is affected by ethics?
Individuals |
Employees |
Managers |
Executives |
Industries |
Society |
Deontological ethical theory
Normative |
Concerned with the action taken, not the consequences |
Position that the most moral decision is based on rules, duties and obligations |
AKA Duty, Obligation or Rule based ethics |
Virtue ethics
Normative |
Founded by plato and Arisotle |
Considers actors character, motivation, intentions and principles and the type of character one ought-to be in determining the most moral solution |
Focuses more on the integrity of the moral actor than on the moral act itself |
Goal is to be a good person simply because that is the person you wish to be |
Influence of individual differences
Indiv differences affect ethical judgement and actions |
Differences: |
Ethical Decision-Making Style |
Frameworks. Preferences 1) Idealism, the persons concern for welfare of others or 2) relativism persons emphasis on ethical principles being case by case |
Cognitive Moral Development |
Preconventional, Conventional, Post Conventional / principled. See Kohlbergs 6 stages of moral development |
Locus of Control |
Internal or external perception of control over life events. Taking responsibility for ones own behaviour |
Machiavellianism |
Self interested behaviour |
Moral Disengagement |
Idea that normal people don't partake in bad behaviour unless they have convinced self they are doing the right thing. Judgement of a MD person can not be relied upon |
Toward Ethical Action
Script Processing |
Cognitive frameworks that guide our thoughts and actions |
Cost-Benefit Analysis |
Too simplistic a way of analyzing |
No moral dimension |
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