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LFCS_Module4_OperatingRunningSystems Cheat Sheet by

Boot order

Process Properties w/ ps

Process ID-Virtual Memory Size-R­esi­dence Memory Size-C­onsole Process running on
ps aux | grep sshd
Find SSHD service running on system
ps -ef | less (PPID)
Parent Process ID
ps -e -o pid,args --forest

Process Properties w/ ps

Process ID-Virtual Memory Size-R­esi­dence Memory Size-C­onsole Process running on
ps aux | grep sshd
Find SSHD service running on system
ps -ef | less (PPID)
Parent Process ID
ps -e -o pid,args --forest | less
Show relation between parent and child processes
ps aux --sort pmem
Sorting process memory


Main config dir
systemctl -t help
List available unit types
ls /usr/l­ib/­sys­tem­d/s­yst­em/­*socket
List available socket service
Socket: Listen­Str­eam=22
Listen on TCP port 22
Service can be dead and socket can still listening, reducing resource to run service
systemctl show sshd = man system­d.d­ire­ctives
List all options can be included in service
systemctl set-pr­operty httpd.s­ervice Memory­Lim­it=500m
Modify unit file htttpd
Group of unit file
systemctl get-de­fault
Default targart
systemctl set-de­fault multi-­use­r.t­arget
Set default to multi.user
When boot system­d.u­nit­=re­scu­e.t­arget
systemctl list-units
List all current units

Linux Log

Make dir "­jou­rna­l" in /var/log
make journal consis­tently
vim /etc/s­yst­emd­/jo­urn­ald.conf
change storag­e=auto to make journalctl consis­tently

Managing Shell Jobs

sleep 600 then Ctrl+Z or sleep 600 &
Start job in background
Move last bg job to foreground
Show current jobs

Cron jobs

Main dir to put file for scheduling (used by rpm)
minute hour dayofmonth month dayofweek username command
Crontab syntax
crontab -e
Open crontab for current user
/10 1-5 /bin/l­ogger
Run logger every 10 minute on weekdays
cat /var/l­og/cron | grep CRON
Verify schedule cron jobs

Libraries, RPM

ldd /usr/b­in/­passwd
Show all libraries the command need
rpm -qa | grep httpd
List all installed packages (query all) and see if httpd is installed
rpm -qi httpd
Provide info about package
rpm -ql http
Provide list of files installed from package
rpm -qc httpd
List config­uration file (c)
rpm -qd httpd
List docume­ntation about package (d)
rpm -qpi filename
Provide info about uninst­alled package
rpm -qp --scripts filename
Find which scripts are executed if package is installed
rpm -qf /etc/n­anorc
Find out which package the file coming from

Config­uring GRUB2 Boot Loader

Press ESC after boot
Stop booting process
Rescue kernel
Boot w/ minimal modules
Press e
Take out "­rhg­b" "­qui­et"
See what's happen upon boot
Edit /etc/d­efa­ult­/grub
Permanent boot modifi­cations
Determine everything when system boot
grub2-­mkc­onfig -o /boot/­gru­b2/­gru­b.cfq
Write a new GRUB config
Start booting at rescue mode
Boot at minimal
mount -o remount,rw /
Put root file system in read,write mode
Break in boot procedure at the end of init params
chroot /sysroot
Set root file system to /sysroot
echo b > /proc/­sys­rq-­trigger
Crash and reset
touch .autor­elabel
on CentOS


systemctl status rsyslog
Check status of Rsyslog
vim /etc/r­sys­log.conf
authpriv, kern, mail
.emerg, .crit, .debug
kern.* /dev/c­onsole
Log from kern with all priority written to /dev/c­onsole
mail.* -/var/­log­/ma­illog
Written not in realtime (-)
.emerg :omusrmsg:
Every user will receive emergency messsage on console
*.crit /var/l­og/­cri­tical
Save message with critical priority or higher to /var/l­og/­cri­tical
logger -p crit Critical Situation
Write log with crit priority

Install software

tar xvf filename -C /tmp
Decompress tar file verbose (v), x (extract) f(file) to /tmp dir
file filename
Find info about compressed file
gunzip filename
Decompress file
tar czvf etc.tar /etc/
Create tarball (c) and compress (z)
gunzip filename
Unzip file
preserver permission while decomp­ress, compress

Process Signals

Within top, press k
PID, 15(sig­term)
kill 14053
Kill process 14053
killall dd
Kill all process w/name dd
kill -9 14321
Kill process 14321 w/ signal 9 (kill)
kill $(pidof dd)
Kill all dd process, similar to killall
kill -l
List of kill signal

SELinux Booleans

getsebool -a
List of all current booleans
setsebool ftpd_a­non­_write on
Switch on to anonymous writing on ftp


Current mode of SELinux
setenforce Permissive
Change to Permissive mode
cd /etc/s­ysc­onf­ig/­selinux
Disable or enable SELinux

Systemd timers, at

Dir for unit file and timers
systemctl status atd
Check at daemon status
at 11:00, Ctrl+d to start job
start job at 11
Current jobs running w/ at
atrm jobnumber
Remove job

SELinux Labels

man semana­ge-­fco­ntext
man page for setting context
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_­sys­_co­ntent_t "­/we­b(/.*)­?"
Setting SELinux to allow Apache read from /web
ls -lZd /web
restorecon -Rv /web
semanage port -a -t http_p­ort_t -p tcp 444
Allow Apache listen to port 444


less /var/l­og/­mes­sages
Look for sealert
sealrt -l code
Troubl­eshoot sealert

Kernel Modules

lsmod | less
List modules
modprobe cdrom
Load cdrom module
modinfo cdrom
Info about module
echo options cdrom autocl­ose=1 > cdrom.conf
Create cdrom.conf to automa­tically apply option
Interface to modify linux kernel
echo 1 > /proc/­sys­/ip­v6/­con­f/a­ll/­dis­abl­e_ipv6
Disable ipv6 on runtime
echo net.ip­v6.c­on­f.a­ll.d­is­abl­e_ipv6 = 1 > etc/sy­sct­l.d­/ip­v6.conf
Disable ipv6 persis­tently
sysctl -a
List all tools


yum search pacckage
Search for package
yum info package
Info about package
yum provides */filename
Provide package info
yum remove package
Remove package
yum downloader package
Download the package to analyse
yum list
Get inform­ation about package
yum install
Install from the repo
yum update
Compare packages and update if suitable

Process Priority

Real time process, part of the kernel
Within top, press r
nice -n 5 dd if/dev­/zero of=/de­v/null &
Run dd command with nice value of 5 and priority of 25
renice -n 5 14053
Change priority of process id 14053

Changing top Display Properties

Press f
Changing top window and sorting
Press z
Color top window
Press W
Write to config file

Managing Processes

Load average: last min, last 5 mins, last 15 mins
Press 1 to see number of CPU cores
Zombie task: Tasks lost commun­ication w/ parent process
CPU: US process started by users, SY process relay directly to hardware, ni (nice) process w/ adjusted priority, id (idle) CPU time, wa(wai­ting) for harddisk.
S for status, R for running, S for sleeping
VIRT virtual mem, RES resident mem process really using, SHR sharing mem to share with other processes
top -u student: process started by user


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