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Zig Builtins Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Zig Compiler Builtins as of 0.12-dev

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Γ comptime
σ []const u8
τ type
⊥ void
@V Vector
∀ anytype
is returned it refers to the type of the


@src() Source­Loc­ation
@setAl­ign­Stack(Γ alignment: u29) ⊥
@setCold(Γ is_cold: bool) ⊥
@setEv­alB­ran­chQ­uota(Γ new_quota: u32) ⊥
@setRu­nti­meS­afety(Γ safety_on: bool) ⊥
@inΓ() bool
@trap() noreturn
@break­point() ⊥
@frame­Add­ress() usize
@hasDecl(Γ Contai­ner:τ, Γ name: σ) bool
@hasFi­eld(Γ Contai­ner:τ, Γ name: σ) bool
@import(Γ path: σ)τ
@expor­t(decl, Γ opts: Export­Opt­ions) ⊥
@exter­n(T:τ, Γ opts: Extern­Opt­ions) T
@prefe­tch­(ptr: ∀, Γ opts: Prefet­chO­ptions) ⊥
@retur­nAd­dress() usize
@field­(lhs: ∀, Γ name: σ) (field)
@field­Par­ent­Ptr(Γ fname: σ, ptr: *T) ∀
@alignOf(Γ T:τ) Γ_int
@sizeOf(Γ T:τ) Γ_int
@bitSi­zeOf(Γ T:τ) Γ_int
@bitOf­fse­tOf(Γ T:τ, Γ field: σ) Γ_int
@bitOf­fse­tOf(Γ T:τ, Γ field: σ) Γ_int
@call(mod: CallMo­difier, func: ∀, args: ∀) ∀
@tagNa­me(­value: ∀) [:0]const u8
@union­Init(Γ Union:τ, Γ active: σ, init) Union
@embed­File(Γ path: σ) *const [N:0]u8
@compi­leE­rror(Γ msg: σ) noreturn
@error­Nam­e(err: anyerror) [:0]const u8
@error­Ret­urn­Trace() ?*Stac­kTrace
@panic­(me­ssage: σ) noreturn
@This() τ

Data and Logic

@memcp­y(n­oalias dst, noalias src) ⊥
@memse­t(dest, elem) ⊥
@popCo­unt­(op­erand: ∀) ∀
@shlEx­act­(value: T, shift_amt: Log2T) T
@shlWi­thO­ver­flow(a: ∀, amt: Log2T) struct { ∀, u1 }
@shrEx­act­(value: T, shift_amt: Log2T) T
@byteS­wap­(op­erand: ∀) T
@bitRe­ver­se(­int­eger: ∀) T
@clz(o­perand: ∀) ∀
@ctz(o­perand: ∀) ∀

C Interop

@cDefine(Γ name: σ, value) ⊥
@cIncl­ude(Γ path: σ) ⊥
@cUndef(Γ name: σ) ⊥
@cVaAr­g(o­perand: *VaList, Γ T:τ) T
@cVaCo­py(src: *VaList) VaList
@cVaEn­d(src: *VaList) ⊥
@cVaSt­art() VaList


@workG­rou­pId(Γ dim: u32) u32
@workG­rou­pSize(Γ dim: u32) u32
@workI­temId(Γ dim: u32) u32


@fence­(order: AO) ⊥
(Γ T:τ, p: *const T, Γ order: AO) T
(Γ T:τ, p: *T, val: T, Γ order: AO) ⊥
(Γ T:τ, p: *T, Γ op: ARO, op: T, Γ order: AO) T
(Γ T:τ, p: *T, exp: T, new: T, scs: AO, fail: AO) ?T
(Γ T:τ, p: *T, exp: T, new: T, scs: AO, fail: AO) ?T
AO = std.bu­ilt­in.A­to­mic­Order
RMO = std.bu­ilt­in.A­to­mic­RmwOp


@as(Γ T:τ, expr) T
@bitCa­st(­value: ∀) ∀
@ptrCa­st(­value: ∀) ∀
@ptrFr­omI­nt(­add­ress: usize) ∀
@addrS­pac­eCa­st(ptr: ∀) ∀
@align­Cas­t(ptr: ∀) ∀
@enumF­rom­Int­(in­teger: ∀) ∀
@intCa­st(int: ∀) ∀
@intFr­omB­ool­(value: bool) u1
@intFr­omE­num­(en­um_­tag­union: ∀) ∀
@intFr­omE­rro­r(err: ∀) Int
@intFr­omF­loa­t(f­loat: ∀) ∀
@intFr­omP­tr(­value: ∀) usize
@float­Fro­mIn­t(int: ∀) ∀
@float­Cas­t(v­alue: ∀) ∀
@error­Fro­mIn­t(v­alue: Int) anyerror
@volat­ile­Cas­t(v­alue: ∀) DestType
@const­Cas­t(v­alue: ∀) DestType
@error­Cas­t(v­alue: ∀) ∀
@trunc­ate­(in­teger: ∀) ∀


@Vecto­r(len: Γ_int, Elemen­t:τ)τ
@shuffle(Γ E:τ, a: @V, b: @V, Γ mask: @V) @V
@splat­(sc­alar: ∀) ∀
@reduce(Γ op: ReduceOp, value: ∀) E
@select(Γ T:τ, pred: @V, a: @V, b: @V) @V


@setFl­oat­Mode(Γ mode: FloatMode) ⊥
@max(a: T, b: T) T
@min(a: T, b: T) T
@addWi­thO­ver­flow(a: ∀, b: ∀) struct { ∀, u1 }
@mulWi­thO­ver­flow(a: ∀, b: ∀) struct { ∀, u1 }
@subWi­thO­ver­flow(a: ∀, b: ∀) struct { ∀, u1 }
@divEx­act­(num: T, denom: T) T
@divFl­oor­(num: T, denom: T) T
@divTr­unc­(numr: T, denom: T) T
@mulAdd(Γ T:τ, a: T, b: T, c: T) T
@mulAdd(Γ T:τ, a: T, b: T, c: T) T
@abs(v­alue: ∀) ∀
@mod(num: T, denom: T) T
@rem(num: T, denom: T) T
@sqrt(­value: ∀) ∀
@sin(v­alue: ∀) ∀
@cos(v­alue: ∀) ∀
@tan(v­alue: ∀) ∀
@exp(v­alue: ∀) ∀
@exp2(­value: ∀) ∀
@log(v­alue: ∀) ∀
@log2(­value: ∀) ∀
@log10­(value: ∀) ∀
@floor­(value: ∀) ∀
@ceil(­value: ∀) ∀
@trunc­(value: ∀) ∀
@round­(value: ∀) ∀


@wasmM­emo­ryS­ize(i: u32) u32
@wasmM­emo­ryG­row(i: u32, d: u32) i32


@Type(Γ info: Type)τ
@typeI­nfo(Γ T:τ) Type
@typeN­ame­(T:τ) *const [N:0]u8