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32 Pharmacy Cheat Sheets

WARNING: These cheat sheets may provide general information about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided here, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.

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32 Cheat Sheets tagged with Pharmacy

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6 Pages
Smart drugs in a pill. Extracted all basic informations about Nootropics ("Smart Drugs").
9 Aug 13, updated 11 May 16
4 Pages
This list contains OTC medication that is used for Self-Care
14 Sep 24, updated 15 Sep 24
1 Page
Presenting symptoms that require referral to a doctor
18 Nov 22
4 Pages
Dispensing, HOSPITAL Pharmacy, ADR
27 Aug 22
3 Pages
Reference: Seeley's Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
2 Feb 22, updated 3 Feb 22
2 Pages
přehled receptorů a jejich účinků
27 Dec 21, updated 4 Jan 22
1 Page
drugs relating to the respiratory system
11 Jul 21
5 Pages
Meningitis, URTI, Endocarditis, SSTI, Bone & Joint Infection, GI Infection, Intra-abdominal Infection, UTI, Sepsis
2 Sep 17, updated 12 Sep 17
2 Pages
4 Pages
1 Page
Pharmacokinetic Calculations and their uses
30 Apr 23
1 Page
Inconclusive; by a student
10 May 24
2 Pages
medicinal chemistry...
8 May 24
2 Pages
Drug classes, side effects
8 May 24
1 Page
Basic and Clinical Pharmacology — Bertram Katzung 14th Edition (Chapter 2)
26 Dec 23
4 Pages
Basic and Clinical Pharmacology — Bertram Katzung 14th Edition (Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 4)
25 Dec 23
2 Pages
Chapter 1 (Introduction: The Nature of Drugs & Drug Development & Regulation) Chapter 3 (Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics: Rational Dosing & the Time Course of Drug Action)
22 Dec 23
1 Page
S44: Muscle Relaxants S45: Pathophysiology of Pain S46: Pharmacology/Medicinal Chemistry of Opioids S47&48: Management of Pain S49: Management of s/p Stroke S50: Pathophysiology of Headache Disorders S51: Pharmacology/Medicinal Chemistry of Antimigraine Medications S52: Management of Headache Disorders
13 Nov 23
5 Pages
1 Page
patho and complications associated with cirrhosis preventative and treatment for ascites, portal HTN, varices, hepatic encephalopathy, SBP, and HRS Causes and treatment for pancreatitis
6 Jul 20
1 Page
Pharmacy, specific to Clinical Pharmacy. This sheet will elaborate specific diseases and the potential treatment and pharmacologic therapy.
29 Dec 22
1 Page
Various bugs based on location in the body and the drugs that cover them
28 Aug 18

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