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"The Power of Less Basics" Cheat Sheet by

Basic Principles from the Power of Less

Benefits of Setting Limits

Limits simplify your life, making it more manageable and meanin­gful.
Limits focus you on what's actually important.
Limits make you more effective and helps you stay on the path to achieving your projects and goals.
Life without limits is weak and diluted, by learning to focus yourself within your limits, you will increase your mental strength and efficacy.

6 Principles of Applying Limita­tions

By setting limita­tions, we must choose the essential. So, in everything you do, learn to set limita­tions.
By choosing the essential, we create great impact with minimal resources. Always choose the essential to maximize your time and energy.
Once you have determined what is essential, work to eliminate everything that is not essential.
Focus is your most important tool in becoming more effective. Learn to harness your focus like a laser on one task at a time.
Create new habits to make long-l­asting improv­ements in your life.
Start new habits in small increments to ensure success. Large, enduring change must be built gradually.

Areas to Simplify

Any agreement you make or obligation you take on is also a burden on your time. Time is precious.
Goals & Projects
Which Projects will have the most immediate, highest impact?
Financial awareness and discipline are skills that can and should be developed.
Internet Usage
With the constant distra­ction of the Internet readily available, it is important to be aware and manage our internet usage and media consum­ption.
Clutter & Belonings
Living in an untidy space and owning too many things that are unnece­ssary detract from peace of mind.

Choosing the Essential

Start by examining your projects and task lists and asking "What among these are the highes­t-i­mpact, important, positive, and of long-term relevance to my life and path towards succes­s?"
Compile a list of your projects that meet this core criteria and work to focus your efforts on these.


Start with writing down all of the "­ess­ent­ial­s" you have identified in your life. These should be congruent with your values, goals, and passions.
Once you have really decided what is important in your life, simpli­cation is theore­tically easy: Simply cut out everything else!

Habit Building

Choose the bigges­t-i­mpact habit and resolve to focus on it for 21 days.
Write down your plan: What are you doing each day? When? What will trigger the behavior? Who will you report to?
Post your habit publicly and tell as many people as possible!
Report on your progress daily!
Celebrate your new habit! 21 days of success = a habit formed.

One Goal System

Limit yourself to fewer goals and you will achieve more.
Concen­trate on one major goal in your life at a time.
Break this goal down into concrete steps: Take it from 5yrs -> 2-3yrs -> 1yr -> 90 days -> 30 days -> 7 days -> 1 day.
Make sure you are taking some action on your goal every day!

Simple Projects List

Select only 3 projects at a time to focus on. Write these on a "­Focus List" while all other projects are on an "On Deck" list.
At least one project should be closely tied to your Mission.
Finish what you start! Focus solely on these three projects and do not add new projects to the "­Focus List" until you have seen all three to comple­tion.
Select 3 Most Important Tasks (MITs) at the beginning of each day and resolve to finish them.
Complete other small tasks only after the MITs are completed.


Focus is the determ­ining factor in completing a project, achieving a goal, or creating a new habit.
In an age of endless multi-­tas­king, we must train our mind to focus on the present and the ask at hand, to single­-task instead.


Focus on your Most Important Tasks first thing in your day. Don't do anything else until these are completed.
When working on a task in a time block, eliminate all other distra­ctions (phone, internet, etc).
If you feel the urge to switch to another task, stop yourself, take a deep breath and refocus on the present.
If things come up that you may need to address, simply record them in your "­stu­ff" to be processed later.
Process your "­stu­ff" to empty regularly so it does not build up and weigh on your mind.
If something urgent pulls you from your current task, leave a quick note so it is easier to transition back to where you were.
Take deep breaths, quick breaks, and stretch every now and them. Stay sane!

Practice Being Present

Like any habit, being fully present requires effort and time before it becomes your natural state.
Do one thing at a time, what you are doing right now and nothing else. When you eat, just eat. Pay attention to taste and texture, take your time. Every activity is practice.
Be aware! When your mind drifts from the present, that's ok. Gently allow those thoughts to pass and then return to what is at hand.
Put up physical reminders, post-its, and other things to remind you of your goal.
There is no failure, only setbacks. Focus on celebr­ating doing, on every small success.
Keep Practi­cing!

Keys to Successful MITs

Set your MITs first thing in the morning (or at the beginning of your productive time).
Limit yourself to three tasks with at least one being tied to your Mission
Focus on accomp­lishing these tasks above and before all else.
Eliminate distra­ctions and Single­-Task!


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