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paediatrics Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

all facts to cram for paeds

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

acute abdominal pain

possible causes of abdominal pain in a newborn
Intestinal obstru­ctions e.g volvulus, Hirshs­prung, pyloric stenosis Hernia Trauma (during birth) Perito­nitis (nectr­otizing entero­col­itis, GI perfor­ation) Gastro­eso­phageal reflux
possible causes of abdominal pain in an infant (<2 years)
Consti­pation Acute gastro­ent­eritis Hernia, volvulus, intuss­usc­eption Colic Toxin ingestion Trauma Respir­atory illness
possible causes of abdominal pain in a child
Acute gastro­ent­eritis Consti­pation, Intestinal obstru­ction Testicular torsion Respir­atory illnes­s/p­neu­monia Mesenteric adenitis UTI, Toxin ingest­ion­/food poisoning, Trauma, HSP Append­icitis, pancre­atitis, cholec­ystitis
e possible causes of abdominal pain in adolescent
Gastro­ent­eritis, Trauma, dysmen­orr­heoa, PIV, ovarian torsio­n/c­ysts, consti­pation, pregnancy, testicular tosion, IBD/IBS, functional
red flags in abdomminal pain
Bilious vomiting Bloody stool or emesis Night time waking with abdominal pain Haemod­ynamic instab­ility Weight loss persistent pain dysphagia
queations asked for recurrent abdominal pain
Dietary history partic­ularly in young children Reoccu­rrence? PMH Sexual hx in females FH especially IBS/IBD Travel hx Social­/pc­yhi­atric hx for potential stressors
Non-sp­ecific acute abdominal pain
mesenteric adenit­is-­Mes­enteric adenitis is often diagnosed in those children in whom large mesen- teric nodes are observed and whose appendix is normal­,pain is less severe than in append­icitis, and tenderness in the right iliac fossa is varia- ble- also consti­pation
first 1–3 days of life with intestinal obstru­ction from Ladd bands obstru­cting the duodenum or volvulus

respir­atory distress synrome

RDS risk factors
37 weeks (more common­/se­ver­ewith greater premat­urity) Mother with insuli­n-d­epe­nde­ntd­iabetes Multiple birth LUSCS Mec at birth Cold stress Asphyxia Precip­itous delivery Previously affected infant Male infant
RDS signs
Grunting Retrac­tions: supers­ternal, interc­ostal and subcostal Cyanosis Tachypnoea (RR >60) Tachyc­ardia (HR >160) Nasal flaring Apnoea
Pneumo­thorax Transient tachypnoea of the newborn Infect­ion­/pn­eumonia Meconium aspiration syndrome Respir­atory distress syndrome (HMD) Cardiac disease
differ­ential diagnosis for RDS
transient tacypnea of newbor­n,a­spi­ration pneumo­nia­-me­conium aspira­tti­on-­one­umo­tho­rax­-di­aph­rag­matic hernia­-cy­anotic heart disease
stages of lung develo­pment
1. embryonic 2. pseudo­gla­ndular 3. canali­cular 4. saccular (terminal sac) 5. alveolar period
pseudo­gla­ndular stage (5 facts
from 5-16 weeks of gestation
saccular stage
air exchange starts from here at 26-36 weeks
compli­cations of RDS
divided into early and late compli­cations
early compli­cations
septic­emia- pulmonary hhemmo­rha­ge-­apnea pneumo­thorax intrac­ranial hemmor­hag­e-p­neu­minonia
chronic compli­cations
BPD -NEC-r­op-­per­ive­ntr­icular leukom­ala­cia-PDA can also occur