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*Must knows for your finals *Boston University level CGS113 *ISBN-13 978013578012

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


a branch of mathem­atics that deals with collecting data and analyzing inform­ation to draw conclu­sions and help make decisions when faced with uncert­ainty. Statistics also provides a measure of confidence in a conclusion that is drawn.
1) Gathering data 2) Organizing and summar­izing that data 3)Anal­yzing the data to find answers 4) Reporting the results in a way that shows how reliable those answers are
“a fact or propos­ition used to draw a conclusion or make a decision.”
numerical; height. Nonnum­erical; gender.
The inform­ation being conveyed is based on casual observ­ation, not scientific research.
—---- the misuse of data typically happens when data is incorr­ectly obtained or analyzed.
Population vs. Sample
the entire group of items or indivi­duals about which we want inform­ation; the entire set of objects or indivi­duals to be studied
the set of all underg­raduate students enrolled in Boston University as of Jan. 19, 2024.
a subset of the population that is being studied.
part of the population of interest that we examine in order to gather inform­­ation.
Descri­ptive vs. Infere­ntial Statistics
Descri­ptive Statis­tics:
consists of organizing and summar­izing data using numerical summaries (e.g. mean, IQR, standard deviat­ion), tables, and graphs.
Infere­ntial Statis­tics:
uses inform­ation from a sample to make a conclusion about a larger group of items or indivi­duals, e.g. the popula­tion. Infere­ntial statistics are used to draw inferences about a population from a sample.
Types of Variables
Qualit­ative (or catego­rical) variable:
a charac­ter­istic or attribute that places an individual into one of several categories
gender; year in college –e.g. freshman, sophomore; state in which a person was born.
Quanti­tative variable:
a charac­ter­istic or attribute with numerical values for which arithmetic operations provide meaningful results (or “for which arithmetic operations make sense”
How the daily weather is described - temper­ature, relative humidity.
Two Types of Quanti­tative Variables
Discrete variable:
quanti­tative variable with either a finite number or countable number of possible values. Countable means the values result from counting, e. g. 0, 1, 2, 3 and so on.
a household could have three children or six children, but not 4.53 children.
Continuous variable:
quanti­tative variable with infinite possible values which are not countable
the response time of a computer could be 0.64 seconds, or it could be 0.6423­712­3922121 seconds
Observ­ational Study vs. Designed Experiment
Observ­ational Study:
resear­chers simply observe indivi­duals or question partic­ipants without trying to influence their response. Often partic­ipants are chosen randomly.
Designed Experiment (Exper­imental Study)
Resear­chers setup an experiment and manipulate a variable and measure the effect of the manipu­lation on some outcome of interest. Often partic­ipants are randomly assigned to the various conditions and treatm­ents.
occurs in a study “when the effects of two or more explan­atory variables are not separa­ted.”
Lurking variable:
a variable that was not considered explicitly “in a study, but that affects the value of the response variable”
Bias In Sampling
Bias is a common problem during survey sampling.
Selection bias (or Sampling bias):
occurs if the method for selecting the partic­ipants produces a sample that does not represent the population of interest.




Graphical Methods for Qualit­ative (Categ­orical) Variables
Qualit­ative (categ­orical) variable:
a charac­ter­istic that places an individual into one of several categories
e.g. sex, nation­ality, political party)
Qualit­ative variables:
can be numeri­cally described with freque­ncies (counts), relative freque­ncies (percent, propor­tions), cumulative freque­ncies, and cumulative relative freque­ncies.
The number of times each unique variable element is observed is called the count, or frequency (f). The relative frequency equals the frequency divided the sample size n or f/n. Relative Frequency = f/n