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Total Commander Button Bar Parameters Cheat Sheet by

A look at the available paramters for the Total Commander button bar

Total Commander Button Bar Parameters

As the first parameter causes a Dialog box to be displayed before starting the program, containing the following parame­ters. You can change the parameters before starting the program. You can even prevent the program's execution.
Causes the source path to be inserted into the command line, including a backslash (\) at the end.
Places the filename under the cursor into the command line.
Inserts the current target path. Especially useful for packers.
Places the current filename in the target directory into the command line.
Places the current filename without extension into the command line.
Places the current extension (without leading period) into the command line. Note: %N and %M insert the long name, while %n and %m insert the DOS alias name (8.3). %P and %T insert the long path name, and %p and %t the short path name. (Same for %o and %e)
Inserts the percent sign.
Long file names including the complete path, e.g. c:\Program Files\Long name.exe
%l (lowercase L)
Short file names including the complete path, e.g. C:\PROGRA1\LONGNA1.EXE
Long file names without path, e.g. Long name.exe
Short file names without path, e.g. LONGNA­~1.EXE
Short file names including the complete path, but using the DOS character set for accents.
Short file names without path, but using the DOS character set for accents.
These are prettty helpful and took me a while to find. I figured someone may need them, even if it is one day in the future.

How-to use Total Commander button bar parameters

Step 1.
Create a new button on the button bar
Step 2.
Using the menu, insert the path to the ImgBurn executable
Step 3.
Insert the string below as the value in the Parameters box:
This will feed a file to the standard build menu
You can use the cheats above to figure out what is going on in this string.
Step 4.
Choose the icon for the button and press ok.

Total Commander Links



Well, you can use Long Path Tool for such problems, it really works good.

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