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CH2.4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

eukaryotic cell structure

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


-Contains coded genetic inform­ation in the form of DNA molecules
-DNA directs the synthesis of all proteins required by the cell.
-DNA is contained within a nuclear envelope to protect it from damage in the cytoplasm.
-Nuclear envelope contains nuclear pores that allows the molecules to move into and out of the nucleus.
-DNA associates with histones to form a complex called chromatin.
-Chromatin coils and condenses to form structures known as chromo­somes.


-Present throughou the cytoplams of all eukaryotic cells.
-Network of fibres necessary for the shape and stability of a cel.
-Holds organelles in place and controls movement.

-First component of the cystos­kel­eton.
-Contr­actile fibres formed from the protein actin.
-Respo­nsible for cell movement and contra­ction during cytoki­nesis.

-Globular tubulin proteins polymerise to form tubes that are usesd to form a scaffo­ld-like structure that determines the shape of a cell.
-Act as tracks for the movement of organelles around the cell.
-Spindle fibres are composed of microt­ubules.

Interm­ediate Fibres
-Give mechanical strength to cells and help maintain their integrity.


-Respo­nsible for producing ribosomes.
-Composed of proteins and RNA.
-RNA is used to produce ribosomal


-Site of final stages of cellular respir­ation.
-Forms ATP.
-Double membrane organelle.
-Has a structue called cristae which is folded.
-Has a fluid interior called the matrix.
-Membrane which forms the cristae contains enzymes needed for respir­ation.
-Contains mtDNA (aka mitoch­ondrial DNA.)


-A component of the cytosk­eleton.
-Composed of microt­ubules.
-2 associated centrioles form the centro­some, which is involved in the assembly and organi­sation of the spindle fibes during cell division.

Vesicles and Lysosomes

-Membr­anous sacs whose purpose is to store and transport.
-Consist of a single membrane with fluid inside.
-Used to transport materials inside the cell.

-Speci­alised forms of vesicles that contain hydrolytic enzymes.
-Respo­nsible for breaking down waste material in cells, including old organe­lles.
-Very important in the immune system as they are respon­sible for phagoc­yst­osis.

Flagella and Cillia

-Both flagella (whip-­like) and cillia (hair-­like) are extensions that protrude from cell types.

-Used primarily to enable cells motility.
-Sometimes used as a sensory organelle