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Pentesting with Linux commands (GPEN based) Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Basic but useful commands to perform pentesting taks related to Gather information from processes, network, accounts, sensitive locations, files or to perform changes, build things, etc.

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Gather info



ps faux
lists processes in a tree-like format
ps -ef
lists services running
systemctl status­<se­rvi­ce>
Get status of aprocess
systemctl list-units --type­=se­rvice --stat­e=a­ctive
list all running services in systemd


ifconfig -a
Get IP address for all net interfaces
netstat -a
Get connec­tions info
netstat -nap
show listening ports
netstat —nap | less
lsof -i | less
List and read open connec­tions by processes
netstat -plnt
ports/­process in LISTEN state
netstat -rn
route -v
Get GW and routing table
arp -a
Get arp table
ip addr
Get IP address for all net interfaces
ss -a
Get connec­tions info
ss -plnt
ports/­process in LISTEN state
ping6 -i eth0 ff02::1
use this multicast address for all link-local IPv6 nodes
ping6 -i eth0 ff02::2
use this multicast address for all link-local IPv6 routers
ip neigh
Get arp table / host in same BRD domain
ip route
Get GW and routing table

Users and Groups

cat /etc/p­asswd
Get local user info
cat /etc/s­hadow
Get user hashes
cat /etc/group
Get all local groups
See who is curren­tly­logged in
See what they are doing
cat /etc/n­ssw­itc­h.conf
get config about auth mechanisms
getent passwd
Get user accounts, regardless of back-end auth mechanism
getent group
Get groups, regardless of back-end auth mechanism
getent shadow
If SSSD or PAM is config­ured, get hashes for all users, regardless of back-end auth mechanism

Remote inform­ation Gathering

finger @[targ­etIP]
See who is curren­tly­logged in
ypcat passwd
If NIS is in use, get users
ypcat group
If NIS is in use, get ugroups and member­ships
ssh vagran­t@1­92.1­68.1.25 "­id;­hos­tna­me"
runs id and hostname on the dest host
scp [email protected]:/root­/.s­sh/­id_rsa .
(with point at the end))
copy remote file to current location
No direct­ories, puts all files in one directory
Recursive Download / web spider function
-P [direc­tory]
Prefix output fule locations with [direc­tory]
Restrict or alow file types or patterns
Example1: wget -nd -r -R htm,ht­ml,­php,asp ,aspx,cgi -P /home /560 /Cours­eFiles/ 560met­ada­ta_ex [tgt_d­omain]
Exclude html, php, asp and cgi extensions
Example1: wget -nd -r -A pdf, doc, docx,x­ls,xlsx -P /home /560 Course­Files/ 560met­ada­ta_ex [tgt_d­omain]
included only PDF, Word, and Excel extensions
smbclient --list=IP --no-pass
List shared folders hosted on IP anonym­ously
smbclient //IP/s­haredF -U "­DOM­AIN­\us­er"
Map shared­Folder with creds
smbclient //IP/s­haredF -U 'NULL' -N
Map shared­Folder with anonymous creds
sudo mount //IP/s­haredF /mount­/point -o rw,guest
Map shared­Folder to a mount point

Sensitive Locations

user account info
user password info
user’s history file
~/.ssh directory
SSH keys
Firefox profile
SystemV runlevels services to run at startup
Systemd target directory
determine which authen­tic­ation back-end a Linux system is configured to use
sudoers file
grep -iHR passw *
get files with "­pas­sw" in them

Read & execute

cat [filename]
get content from a file
head -n 20 [filename]
get first 20 lines of [filename]
tail -n 2 [filename]
get last 2 lines of [filename]
less OR more
view large content moving in pages
ls /dev | less
putting command output as input to less
which ls
see Where your commands are run from
run a program located in the current directory
PATH=$PATH /[anot­her­_dir]
Temporary (Session's life) add direct­ories to your path


grep root *
find files in the current directory that contain theword root
man /info
show detailed usage inform­ation for other commands
whatis [command]
Get a hint about What a program does
apropos network
search for topics
man —k network
look up something by keyword,
Disable command histor­y/l­ogging
watch 'ls -al'
monitor when a file will appear
Listing enviro­nment variables
echo $PATH
View your path env variable
wc -l /path/­fil­e.txt
WordCount | -l count the number of lines

Working with progra­ms/jobs

[command] &
run command in background as a job
if a progra­m/c­ommand is running, it'll pause the job letting the process in the brackg­round paused
list backgr­oun­d/p­auses jobs
bg %[job_­number]
resume program in background
fg %[job_­number]
resume program in foregr­ound, back to actual screen



Port Forwarding

ssh -L 8888:v­ict­imI­P:v­ict­imPORT usr@PI­VOT-PC
LOCAL - forward traffic from local port 8888 to DSThos­tIP:80
"ssh usr@PI­VOT-PC ssh root@1­92.1­68.1.119 -R 9999:1­92.1­68.1.2­5:­80"
REMOTE - forwarding traffic through the SSH connec­tion, but your SSH connection this time will be “outbo­und.”
ssh usr@PI­VOT-PC -D 9050
Dynamic Port forwarding OR SOCKS proxy

Building tools

tar xvf [archi­ve.tar]
untar Tape Archive Image file
tar xvfz [archi­ve.t­ar.gz or archiv­e.tgz]
uncompress and untar .tar.gz or tgz file
" ./conf­igure  make  make instal­l"
compile and install

Setup Services

python -m Simple­HTT­PServer
Serves current dir as webcontent
python3 -m http.s­erver
Serves current dir as webcontent
impack­et-­smb­server -comment "Temp Dir" TMP /tmp -username tempuser -p temppass -smb2s­upport
Simple SMB Service

Change config­uration

gedit /etc/n­etw­ork­/in­ter­faces
set up static or dynamic network interfaces
service networking restart
pretty much that
export PATH=/­usr­/sb­in:­$PATH
To add/us­r/sbin to your PATH variable


locate [program name]
get location for a file
find [directory to search] [search criteria]
find / -name [filename]
exhaus­tively looks for stuff
find / -name whoami
create a locate database
shred --remove /tmp/s­am.txt
Shred overwrites the file with altern­ating zeros and ones three times so that they cannot be recovered.


useradd -d [home dir] [username]
create a user login
change actual user password
passwd [username]
change other user's password
sudo su
becomes root
shows which account you are using
get more ditauls about your user and privis
userdel [username]
Delete user

Firewall / IPTables

iptables -D INPUT 2
Delete INPUT rule ID 2
iptables -I INPUT 2 -s x.x.x.x -j DROP
fw INPUT rule ID 2, action DROP traffic from X.X.X.X
iptables -I INPUT 1 -s x.x.x.x -p tcp --dport 4444 -j ACCEPT
allow inbound port 4444
firewa­ll-cmd --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter INPUT 1 -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8443 -j ACCEPT
add fw rule to allow incoming traffic
firewa­ll-cmd --direct --remo­ve-rule ipv4 filter INPUT 1 -m tcp -p tcp --dport 8443 -j ACCEPT
remove fw rule to allow incoming traffic


ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
generate a new identity file

Priv elevation

%admins ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/bar
Let admins Group run command as root