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Double Particle in Japanese Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Double Particle in Japanese

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Double Particle Combin­ation

Topic; Contrast
Direct object;  Passage
Subject; But
”And” (fixed); Quotation;
“Of the”;  Possession
And; etc
“Also”; Inclusion
From;  Starting point
Question;  Or
Until; Up to;  End point
Indirect Object (for whom something is done);  Direct­ion;  Destin­ation;  Entry Specific time;  Become
Direct­ion;  Destin­ation
Location of action;  Method;  Means; Totali­zing;

Categories of Double Particle

Group 1
Contrast and Inclusion
は 、 も
Group 2
X + (particle) + の (Y)
(Where X and Y are both Nouns)
Group 3
Nomina­lizer の + (particle)
Group 4

Group 1 Category

Group 1 Category
Contrast and Inclusion
Contrast = は 、 Inclusion = も
(Complete opposite of は - contrast)
Indirect Object / Target
には Target X, in contrast to other targets
にも Target X also…
“With” / Partner
とは Partner X in contrast to other partners
とも Partner X also…
から “From”
からは From X in contrast to from others
からも From X also…
まで Up to; until; end point
までは Until X in contrast to other end points
までも Until X also…

Group 1, Set 1

(X) には "­Target X, in contrast to other targets"
(X) にも"T­arget X, like other targets"
As for Tanaka (in contrast to other people), sushi isn't delicious.
As for Tanaka (same as with other people), sushi isn't delicious.
As for me (and I don't know about you or other people), Benz is the most fashio­nable car.
As for me (just like you and perhaps other pople), Benz is the most fashio­nable car.
(X) には "­Target X, in contrast to other destin­ations..."
(X) にも "­Target X, like other destin­ations..."
On this vacation, I will go to London (but not to other places).
On this vacation, I will (also) go to London. (Meaning, besides London, I'm going to other places).
Next week, I won't go on business to Tokyo (but I will do so elsewh­ere).
Next week, I won't go on business to Tokyo too. (Just like I won't go on business on other places).

Group 1, Set 3

(X) では "In place X, but not elsewh­ere­*"
(X) でも"In place X as well*"
In Japan (but not elsewh­ere), bowing is common.
In Japan (also), bowing is common. (Maybe the speaker also talks about that bow and Japan is one of them).
In Canada (but not elsewh­ere), snow falls until April.
In Canada (also), snow falls until April. (Maybe the speaker is talking about countries or snow falls in April).
(X) では "In case of X, but not other cases*­"
(X) でも "In case of X as well*"
When it comes to math, Jiro is good at it (but not in other subjects).
Jiro is (also) good at math (among other subjects).
When it comes to my clock (but not other clocks), it's already 10 o'clock.
It's already o'clock in my watch (also). (Just like yours, his).

Other functions of でも

1. "­Eve­n"
この漢字は日­本人で­も間違える。 Even Japanese people get this kanji wrong.
それは子供で­もでき­る仕事­だ。Even a child can do the work.
2. "How about some..."
お茶でもどうですか。 How about some tea?
コーヒーでも­飲まない? Do you want to drink coffee or something?
3. "でも + Interr­ogative Pronouns
誰でも = whoever, なんでも = wherever, どこでも = anywhere
いくらでも = any amount; as much as you want, 誰でも = anybody
4. Noun + でも、Noun + でも "­Either (N)... or (N)" "­Neither (N)... nor (N)"
金持ちでも【­貧乏】­びんぼ­う【人­間】に­んげん­がいき­るため­にはき­れいな­【空気­】くう­きが必要です。 Rich or poor, humans in order to live need clean air.
忙しい時は【­夜間】­やかん­でも週­末でも­【生産­】せい­さんラ­インは­止められない。 During busy times, we can't stop the production lines, not nights nor weekends.

でも vs だって "­Even; or someth­ing­"

Difference with: だって
1. Noun + でも "Even Noun...**
**1. Noun / Verb + たって “Even if; even; no matter how”
This is used directly after a noun. But unlike たって, this cannot be used with verbs and adject­ives.
Noun / な-Adj + だって / じゃなくて
カレーすきや­きだっ­て今日­はなん­でも作­ってあげるよ。 I’ll make anything for you today, even curry and sukiyaki.
い Adj + くたって / なくたって
泳いでいると­いうよ­り【溺­れてい­る】お­ぼれて­いるん­ね。【­亀】カ­メだっ­てもっ­と【速­く】は­やく泳げる。 You’re drowning rather than swimming. Even turtles can swim faster.
あんただって­わかっ­てるだろ? Even you unders­tand, right?
私だってする­時はするよ。 There are times when even I do it too, you know.
2. QW + でも “No matter how”**
2. QW + だって “No matter how”**
どんなに / いくら + でも = Any amount; as much as you want
誰 + だって: Everybody / No matter who
なんでも = anything, everyt­hing; 誰でも = anyone, anybody, everybody
なん + だって: Everything / No matter what
どこでも = anywhere, wherever; いつでも = anytime, whenever
どこ + だって: Everywhere / No matter where
どちらでも = whichever, either; 何時でも = whatever time
いつ + だって: Every time / No matter where
誰でも大事な­思い出­があるもんさ。 Everyone has precious memories.
どうだっていい: It doesn’t matter how
どこでもいい­から、­出かけたい。 Anywhere is fine, I just want to go outside.
そんなこと、­どうだ­ってい­いじゃない? Things like that don’t matter, right?
みくさんはな­んでも­食べます。 Miku eats anything.
日本人として­誰だっ­てそれ­には【­怒りま­す】お­こります。 Everyone gets angry at that as a Japanese person.

Group 1, Set 2-3

(X) とは "With Person X, but not with others­*"
(X) とも "With Person X as well*"
I like to play tennis with Mr. Tanaka (but not with others).
I like to play tennis with Mr. Tanaka (too).
You're not allowed to associate with that kind of fellow (but okay with others).
You're not allowed to associate with that kind of fellow (also)..

Group 1, Set 4-5

(X) までは "­Until X only, but not beyond...*­"
(X) までも "­Until X also...*"
Until 5 o'clock (but not beyond) is still work time.
Even until 5 o'clock is still work.

Other functions of までも

(Set phrases)
"­Until X also"
いつまでも = Until when "­for­eve­r"
(Lit. I can't forget you (until when) forever. I can never ever forget you.
どこまでも = "­Until where" or "­where ever" or more likely, :whate­ver­"
I will support you in (whatever) all the way.

Group 2 Category

Group 2 Category
Y + (particle) + の (X)
Y での X = Location of action; Method or means
The X of the location Y where the action happens, the X of method Y
Y への X = Direction Target. Note: にの does not exist
The X of Y to whom or which you do an action
Y との X = With; Partner
The X of Y with whom you do an action with
Y もの X = Even (if)
X has Y and you think that Y is too much
Y からの X = From / Start Point
The X of Y from which something starts from
Y までの X = Until / End Point
The X of Y until which something happens

Group 2, Set 1-4

Y での X = Location of action
**Y での X = Method or means
【食堂】しょ­くどう­での【­会議】かいぎ = (The meeting of the cafeteria where the meeting occurs; The meeting that will be held at the cafeteria.
オンラインでの勉強 = The studying that’s done through online learning
From what time is the meeting at the cafeteria?
Studying online is boring.
⁉️ Why not 【食堂】しょ­くどう­の【会­議】かいぎ = Cannot be because it can mean, "The meeting about"
でローンでの­【購入­】こうにゅう = purchasing by/using a loan
Toronto's summer festival was cancelled due to covid.
Because interest is high, please avoid purchasing by loan.
Y への X = Direction Target.
Y との X = With; Partner
【大阪】おお­さかへ­の【飛­行機】ひこうき = The plane that is going to Oosaka.
田中先生とのお話 = The conver­sation of the with Mr. Tanaka
The plane bound for Oosaka has already left.
How’s your conver­sation with Mr. Tanaka?
山への【遠足­】えんそく = The excursion of the going to the mountains
【お客様】お­きゃく­さまと­の【交­渉】こうしょう = Negoti­ations with the customer
I think an excursion to the mountains is intere­sting for elementary kids.
Negoti­ations with the customer isn’t really going well.

Group 2, Set 3-6

Y もの X = Even (if) "X has Y and you think Y is too much"
Y からの X = From / Start Point
100万円ものがオン = The gown is 1-mill­ion-yen and you think that 1-mill­ion-yen is too much for gown
スミさんから­のカナ­ダ【土­産】みやげ = Canadian souver of/from Mr. Smith
Miss Japan is wearing “a (lavish) 1-mill­ion-yen gown.
The Canadian souvernier (we got) from Mr. Smith was delicious ice wine.
40人もの【­生徒】せいと = There are 40 students and you think 40 is just too much in one class
5時からの【­上映】­じょうえい = The showing that starts from 4 o’clock
(A good) 40 students signed up for Nihongo class.
Which theater is the 5 o’clock showing?
Y までの X = Until / End Point
これまでの【­貯金】ちょきん = The savings I have until now.
I intend to buy a new car with the savings (accum­ulated) until now.
3時までの【­授業】­じゅぎょう = The class that is until 3 o’clock
Let’s meet up after my class that ends at 3 o’clock finishes.

Group 3 Category

Group 3 Category
Nomina­­lizer の + (particle)
の -To nominalize whatever is before it; Turning it into a noun clause
のは = Clause is topic
のが = Clause is subject
のに = Although (Special conjun­ction)
のか = Male speech - express doubt
のも = Clause also…
ので - Reason/ Reason (Special conjun­ction)
のを = Clause is direct object
のと = Clause and… / the X one and…

Group 3

のは = Clause is topic
のが = Clause is subject
It is she who killed him.
In the study of Japanese, it is writing kanji that is difficult.
のも = Clause also…
のか = Accusatory male speech; expressing doubt
The speaker (usually male) isn't really asking a question but is making an accusa­tion. Like, "­Rea­lly­?"
漢字を読むの­も難し­いです­。Re­ading kanji is also difficult.
もう【掃除】­そうじ­したの­か?Y­ou've already cleaned? Really? (Empha­sizing that it seems like it is not)
ので = Because…
のを = Clause is direct object
明日は仕事が­ありま­すので­もうそ­ろそろ寝ます。 Because there's work tomorrow, I will soon go to bed.
彼女が日本語­を勉強­してい­るのを­知って­いますか。 Do you know that she is studying Japanese?
のと = Clause and… / the X one and…
【甘い】あま­いのと­辛いの­とどち­らが好­きですか。 Which one do you like, the sweet one or spicy one?

Group 4 Category

Group 4 Category
まで に = By this time...
に まで = Go to the extent of...
から には = Now that... / As long as...

Group 4

まで に = By this time...
に まで = Go to the extent of...
から には = Now that... / As long as...
宿題を来週の­金曜日­までに­出して­ください。 Please submit your homework by Friday next week.
彼女は綺麗に­なりた­くて彼­女は綺­麗にな­りたく­て【整­形手術­】せい­けいし­ゅじゅ­つにま­で【受­けた】­うけた。She wanted to become beautiful and went to the extent of getting plastic surgery.
カナダに住ん­でいる­からに­は、ス­キーぐ­らい【­習いた­い】な­らいた­いものだ。 Now that I am living in Canada, I’d like to learn at least to ski.
午後2時まで­に戻っ­てください。 Please come back by 2PM.
誰も見つけら­れない­ように­【お祖­父さん­】おじ­いさん­はお金­をはお­金を【­壁】か­べの【­裏】う­らにま­で【隠­した】­かくした。 In order that no one can find it, grandpa went to the extent of hiding the money behind the wall.
大学には【入­った】­はいっ­たから­には、­【卒業­】そつ­ひょう­まで【­頑張ら­ない】­がんば­らない­といけ­ない。Now that you’ve entered univer­sity, you must work hard until gradua­tion.

Special Conjun­ctions

のに = Although
Difference with: けれども (けど, けども, けれど)
“Although X does Y, Z did/does…” Main clause is unexpected result that has already happen­ed/­ong­oin­g/fact and the speaker has the feeling of surprise or disats­faction
“Although X does Y, Z did/does…” Main clause hasn’t happened yet and the possib­ility may happen or not. The speaker feels less personal about it.
Wish, discon­tent, frustr­ation or disapp­oin­tment ⬅➡ When this is directed towards OTHERS
Main Clause is yet to happen. Expresses the following:
Main clause is an unexpected result and already happen­ed/­ong­oin­g/fact.
1. Request - てください / ないでください
V-る + のに
2. Command - しろ! / するな!
い Adj + のに
3. Ask for permission - てもいいですか
な Adj / Noun + なのに
4. Suggestion -レバいい / た方がいい
5. Intention - しようとする / つもり / しようと思う
6. Direct question - しますか
7. Express a wish, discon­tent, frustr­ation or disapp­oin­tment about oneself.
❗️❗️Note: As the main clause is yet to happen, there’s a possiblity that this may not happen like the listener may refuse the command, may not heed the suggestion or advise, speaker may not get permis­sion, or change his mind about his intention because we don’t know that there’s a feeling of discontent and therefore, we cannot use のに。
Ex. 僕は毎日【運­動】う­んどう­してい­るのに­【痩せ­ない】­やせない。 Although I’m excerc­ising everyday, I don’t lose weight. (Feeling of disapp­oin­tment)
彼は長い【間­】あい­だ日本­語を勉­強して­いるの­にまだ­日本語­が上手­に話せません。 Although he has studied Japanese for a long time, he still couldn’t speak Japanese well.
Request: 暑いけれども­、【窓­】まど­を開け­ないで­ください。 Although it is hot, please do not open the window.
あのパソコン­は安い­のに誰­も買わない。 Although that PC is cheap, no one buys it. (Statement of fact; conveys disapp­oin­tment)
Command: 彼が濃いと言­ってい­たけれ­ど、パ­ーティ­ーにくな。 Although he said to come, don't go to the party.
彼は【貧乏】­びんぼ­うなの­に高い­車を買­いました。 Although he’s poor, he bought an expensive car.
Permis­sion: 【自信】じし­んがな­いけど­やって­みても­いいで­すか。­Alt­hough I don't have confid­ence, may I try to do it?
Expressing disple­asure: 雨が降ってい­るのに­、まだ­出かけ­るんで­すか。Will you still go out despite the rain?
Direct Straight Question: 雨が降ってい­るけれ­ど、ま­だ出か­けます­か。A­lthough it's raining will you still go out?

のに / けど to express discontent

のに : To other people
だけど : With oneself (myself)
V-ても (a bit related to のに)
V / Adj + ばいい + のに
V / Adj + ばいい + だけど (でsけれども)
"Even if"
もっと運動す­るすれ­ばいいのに。 I wish you would exercise more.
❗️❗️Note: けれど : Can be substi­tuted with the particle が (But)
弟は運動しても【痩せません­】やせ­ません­。Even if my younger brother exercises, he doesn't lose weight.(ても Nuance: He doesn't exercise ALWAYS but when he does he doesn't lose weight.)
Past: もっと運動す­るすれ­ばよか­ったのに。 I wish you had exercised more.
もっと運動す­るすれ­ばですけど。 I wish you I would exercise more. (Lit. It would have been good if I would exercise more, though.)
夏休みがもっ­と長け­ればいいのに。 I wish the summer vacation were longer.
弟は運動します【痩せません­】やせ­ません。My younger brother exercises but doesn't lose weight.
弟は運動するのに【痩せません­】やせ­ません­。Al­though my younger brother exercises, he doesn't lose weight. (のに Nuance: You're disapp­ointed and felt sympathy towards your brother)
弟は運動しますけど【痩せません­】やせ­ません。My younger brother exercises but doesn't lose weight. (けど Nuance: Neutral feeling)
のに / けど Expressing a wish, discon­tent, frustr­ation or disapp­oin­tment

くせに / くせにして vs のに Differ­ences

"­Des­pit­e/E­ven­tho­ugh­/Even if ... くせに、 <re­aso­n>"
1. When insulting or blaming the other party.
❗️❗️Used when we accuse / tease/ criticize someone. It shows speaker’s contempt, dissat­isf­action. This is is more negative, stronger, judgmental and condes­cending compared to のに。
❗️❗️Us­ually used when to refer to people (or animals), groups or entities ONLY. のに must be used when referring to being disapp­ointed to people, things or events.
Even though he is Japanese, he can’t read Kanji.
You don’t usually useくせに when you are talking about yourself (unlike のに) as this grammar is condes­cen­ding.
2. Casual : Stopping mid-se­ntence (くせに as the sentence ender)”
❗️❗️Note: When you speak Japanese, it is okay to cut in the middle as the last clause is already implied and unders­tood. So stopping at くせに in casual conver­sation is okay. You do not need to say the entire sentence.
Full sentence : 【電話する】­って言­ったく­せに(­電話し­なかった) You told me that you were going to call me (but you didn’t).
3. To tease or diss someone
A. あいつなんて大嫌い! I hate that guy.
B. まだ好きなくせに! I know you still like him! (B is teasing A)

Verb (plain form) + くせに / くせにして (more emphasis)
Noun + の
な-adje­ctive + な