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Ecology Experts Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

Science Olympiad Cheat Sheet

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.


Location on Earth:61% of the Northern Hemisphere is covered by oceans, while in the Southern Hemisphere the oceans cover 81% of the surface area Biotic and abiotic compon­ents: a close, prolonged associ­ation between two or more different biological species. a close, prolonged associ­ation between two or more different Salini­ty:35 parts per thousand Temper­ature: 100 degrees Soil Nutrients: nitrogen, phosph­orus, potassium, micro-­macro nutrients and trace elements. Organi­sms­-Marine mammals are classified into four different taxonomic groups: cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoi­ses), pinnipeds (seals, sea lions Adapta­tions; Common oceanic animal adapta­tions include gills, special breathing organs used by some oceanic animals like fish and crabs; blowholes, an opening on the top of the head that's used for breathing; fins, flat, wing-like structures on a fish that help it move through the water; and stream­lined bodies. Produc­ers­:algae and phytop­lankton Consum­ers­:zo­opl­ankton, small fish, and crusta­ceans Decomp­ose­rs:­fungi, marine worms, echino­derms, crusta­ceans and mollusks Food chains & Webs;algae plankton Trophic Levels­:high Predat­or/prey Intera­ctions Due to a combin­ation of ocean conditions and fishing pressure, sardine and anchovy popula­tions are now at such low numbers that sea lions and other species off the U.S. West Coast are not getting enough to eat. More than 3,000 emaciated, dehydrated sea lion pups were rescued after becoming stranded on California beaches in 2015. Oceana is working on a new future for the ocean’s tiny fish. Forage fish, like sardines, herring, and market squid form the foundation of the food web – which in turn benefits everything else that eats them. Because forage fish are vital prey (food) for larger fish and marine wildlife they need careful manage­ment. Fishery managers must move away from managing fish on a species- by- species basis to an ecosys­tem­-based management approach that considers the needs of dependent predators and the effects on the overall ecosystem when setting catch levels. It’s imperative that enough forage fish are left in the ocean to support a diverse and healthy food web as well as providing people with a healthy, sustai­nable source of protein. Management must be precau­tionary as forage fish popula­tions undergo large natural booms and busts, and globally face many threats including overfi­shing, pollution, climate change, and the increasing demand for their use as feed in aquacu­lture operat­ions. This is not just an enviro­nmental issue, but an economic one as well; forage species help support commercial fisheries, recreation and tourism economies of coastal states. Oceana is working on a compre­hensive set of solutions to better manage the ocean’s tiny fish.
Due to a combin­ation of ocean conditions and fishing pressure, sardine and anchovy popula­tions are now at such low numbers that sea lions and other species off the U.S. West Coast are not getting enough to eat. More than 3,000 emaciated, dehydrated sea lion pups were rescued after becoming stranded on California beaches in 2015. Oceana is working on a new future for the ocean’s tiny fish. Forage fish, like sardines, herring, and market squid form the foundation of the food web – which in turn benefits everything else that eats them. Because forage fish are vital prey (food) for larger fish and marine wildlife they need careful manage­ment. Fishery managers must move away from managing fish on a species- by- species basis to an ecosys­tem­-based management approach that considers the needs of dependent predators and the effects on the overall ecosystem when setting catch levels. It’s imperative that enough forage fish are left in the ocean to support a diverse and healthy food web as well as providing people with a healthy, sustai­nable source of protein. Management must be precau­tionary as forage fish popula­tions undergo large natural booms and busts, and globally face many threats including overfi­shing, pollution, climate change, and the increasing demand for their use as feed in aquacu­lture operat­ions. This is not just an enviro­nmental issue, but an economic one as well; forage species help support commercial fisheries, recreation and tourism economies of coastal states. Oceana is working on a compre­hensive set of solutions to better manage the ocean’s tiny fish.


Symbiotic: symbiosis is defined as a close, prolonged associ­ation between two or more different biological species. This relati­onship can be symbiotic (mutua­lis­tic), where both parties involved benefit from the intera­ction, or it can be parasitic, where one party benefits while the other is harmed. Example of a symbiotic relati­onship: is a parasitic isopod of the family Cymoth­oidae. It enters fish through the gills. The female attaches to the tongue, while the male attaches to the gill arches beneath and behind the female.
Mutualism: What is it? all species involved benefit from their intera­ctions. How do the species survive? Resource partit­ion­ing­(when different organisms within an ecosystem split up an area so that they will not compete for the same resources and when those organisms have a special adapta­tion.) What is an example? Clownfish and sea anemone
Commen­salism: What is it? an associ­ation between two organisms / animals in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm. How do the two species survive? A commensal species benefits from another species by obtaining locomo­tion, shelter, food, or support from the host species, which (for the most part) neither benefits nor is harmed. Commen­salism ranges from brief intera­ctions between species to life-long symbiosis. What is an example? Spider makes web in deer's horns which enhances the probab­ility to get food because of the random movement of the deer.

Coral Reefs

Location on Earth: near the equator Biotic and abiotic compon­ents: the biotics factors are plants, crabs, fish, and coral. Physical Charac­ter­ist­ics:a living coral or algal framework
rophic Levels­:Tr­ophic Levels of the Coral Reef Food Web Producers (plants) Primary Consumers (herbi­vores) Secondary Consumers (carni­vores) Predat­or/prey Intera­cti­ons­:sharks (predator) and dolphins (prey), starfish (predator) and snails (prey), and barracudas (predator) and black trigge­rfish (preda­tor).
Food chains & Webs: In a coral reef ecosystem, the primary producers are plankton and algae. Primary consumers include sea cucumbers and parrot fish. Secondary consumers include sharks, dolphins, eels, sea horses, jellyfish, and starfish. Decomp­osers are mainly bacteria


Location on Earth: wear rivers meet the sea Biotic and abiotic compon­ents: abiotic (amount of water, salt, light, etc.) or biotic (varia­tions in compet­ition, predation, parasi­tism, etc.) Physical Charac­ter­istics: Miles of beaches, flowing grasses, marshes, creeks, and streams.
Organisms- Fish, shellfish, and migratory birds Adapta­tions: strong immune system to tolerate the changes in salinity of water Producers: salt meadow hay, cordgrass, and glasswort Consumers: oysters, fish, herons, dolphins and crabs. Decomp­ose­rs:­bac­teria, flies, snails, tube worms, and fiddler and blue crabs. Food chains & Webs:One begins with large plants such as mangroves, seagrass and rushes. When they die their leaves and roots are broken down by bacteria and fungi to become detritus. Detritus is eaten by small animals such as snails, worms and shellfish and they, in turn, are eaten by larger creatures such as fish and birds. Trophic Levels­:pr­odu­cers, consumers, and decomp­osers. Predat­or/prey Intera­ctions: The shark is the apex (top) predator


Location on Earth:­Ponds are found in countr­yside on farmland, floodp­lains and heathl­ands; in woods, on grasslands and on moors. Biotic and abiotic component: rocks Lily Pads & frogs Physical Charac­ter­istics: quiet body of water which is shallow enough that plants often grow all the way across it.
Organisms: Pelican, frog, fly, fish, cattails, phytop­lan­kton, fungi. Adapta­tions: Gills, Webbed feet, Produc­ers­:Ph­yto­pla­nkton, Cattail. Consumers: Frogs, fish, Pelican Decomp­osers: Flies, hydrop­hytic bacteria, fungi Food chains & Webs: Fly-fr­og-­pel­ican, Trophic Levels:low Predat­or/prey Intera­cti­ons­:Frog eats fly pelican eats frog.


Location on Earth:in mountains and deserts, on plains, and near seashores. Biotic and abiotic compon­ents: algae, fish, Physical Charac­ter­ist­ics­:Re­lat­ively large body of slow-m­oving or standing water that occupies an inland basin.
Food chains & Webs:P­hyt­opl­ankton and algae form the bases of aquatic food webs. They are eaten by primary consumers like zoopla­nkton, small fish, and crusta­ceans. Primary consumers are in turn eaten by fish. Trophic Levels: Oligot­rophic lakes are nutrie­nt-­poor, with few plants and very clear water. Predat­or/prey Intera­ctions: Zoopla­nkton are eaten by fish who are then eaten by duck or birds that happen to fly by.
Organisms- fish, ducks, zoopla­nkton, tadpoles Adapta­tions: Fish have developed gilles and ducks have webbed feet Produc­ers­:ph­yto­pla­nkton, or micros­copic floating plants. Consum­ers­:zo­opl­ankton, ducks, tadpoles, mayfly nymphs and small crusta­ceans. Decomp­ose­rs:­bac­teria and fungi.
Oligot­rophic: (espec­ially of a lake) relatively low in plant nutrients and containing abundant oxygen in the deeper parts. Mesotr­ophic: Interm­ediate levels of nutrients, fairly productive in terms of aquatic animal and plant life and showing emerging signs of water quality problems.


Location on Earth: commonly located in dry areas, but connected to a watershed, or drainage basin. streams connect with each other inland bodies of water to other inland bodies of water. Biotic and abiotic compon­ents: fish, rocks Physical Charac­ter­ist­ics­:pools, riffles, meanders, floodp­lains, channel, runs, and riparian corridors. Trophic Levels: oligot­rophic (TSI 0–40, having the least amount of biological produc­tivity, "­goo­d" water quality); mesotr­ophic (TSI 40–60, having a moderate level of biological produc­tivity, "­fai­r" water quality); or. eutrophic to hypere­utr­ophic (TSI 60–100, having the highest amount of biological produc­tivity, "­poo­r" water quality). Predat­or/prey Intera­ctions: Aquatic birds eat the fish and amphibians eat fish too.
Organisms: Molluscs, like clams and mussels. Amphib­ians, like salama­nders and frogs. The larvae of many insects, like dragon­flies, damsel­flies, and mayflies. Adapta­tio­ns:­Str­eam­lined bodies, suction feeding, camouf­lage, attachment struct­ures, and specia­lized respir­ation Produc­ers­:algae, cyanob­act­eria, bryoph­ytes, and vascular macrop­hytes. Consum­ers­:sn­ails, insects, crusta­ceans, amphib­ians, fish, and aquatic birds. Decomp­ose­rs:­Mic­roo­rga­nisms, like bacteria and fungus. Food chains & Webs:AN AQUATIC INSECT EATS MICROS­COPIC PLANTS, THEN A SMALL FISH EATS THE AQUATIC INSECT, AND A LARGER FISH EATS THE SMALL FISH.


Location on Earth:­Fre­shwater swamps are commonly found inland, while saltwater swamps are usually found along coastal areas Biotic and abiotic compon­ents: Physical Charac­ter­istics: forested wetlands
Organisms- american gator,­cot­ton­mouth Adapta­tio­ns:Some examples of physical adapta­tions are: color of the fur, shape of nose or ears, horns or antlers that can be used to fight off predators, and chemicals Produc­ers­:Salt marshes facilitate complex food webs including primary producers (i.e. salt-t­olerant grasses, vascular plants, phytop­lan­kton, etc.), primary consumers (i.e. zoopla­nkton, molluscs, insects, etc.), and secondary consumers (i.e. birds and fish) Consum­ers­:cr­ust­aceans, mollusks, and aquatic insect larvae to muskrats, geese, and deer Decomp­osers: mushrooms, snails, worms, and fungi.
Trophic Levels: Freshwater swamps form around lakes and streams. Rain and seasonal flooding cause water levels Predat­or/prey Intera­ctions: pumpki­nseed sunfish eating aquatic insects or largemouth bass eating pumpki­nseed and bluegill sunfish.

Ocean in Arctic with Ice

Location on Earth: surrounded by Eurasia and North America Biotic and antibiotic compon­ents: a close, prolonged associ­ation between two or more different biological species. Physical Charac­ter­istics: Salini­ty:35 parts per thousand Temper­ature: −1.8 °C (28.8 °F) Soil Nutrients:
Predat­or/prey Intera­ctions Predat­or/prey Intera­ctions Due to a combin­ation of ocean conditions and fishing pressure, sardine and anchovy popula­tions are now at such low numbers that sea lions and other species off the U.S. West Coast are not getting enough to eat. More than 3,000 emaciated, dehydrated sea lion pups were rescued after becoming stranded on California beaches in 2015. Oceana is working on a new future for the ocean’s tiny fish. Forage fish, like sardines, herring, and market squid form the foundation of the food web – which in turn benefits everything else that eats them. Because forage fish are vital prey (food) for larger fish and marine wildlife they need careful manage­ment. Fishery managers must move away from managing fish on a species- by- species basis to an ecosys­tem­-based management approach that considers the needs of dependent predators and the effects on the overall ecosystem when setting catch levels. It’s imperative that enough forage fish are left in the ocean to support a diverse and healthy food web as well as providing people with a healthy, sustai­nable source of protein. Management must be precau­tionary as forage fish popula­tions undergo large natural booms and busts, and globally face many threats including overfi­shing, pollution, climate change, and the increasing demand for their use as feed in aquacu­lture operat­ions. This is not just an enviro­nmental issue, but an economic one as well; forage species help support commercial fisheries, recreation and tourism economies of coastal states. Oceana is working on a compre­hensive set of solutions to better manage the ocean’s tiny fish.
Organi­sms­-Marine mammals are classified into four different taxonomic groups: cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoi­ses), pinnipeds (seals, sea lions Adapta­tio­ns:­Ada­pta­tio­ns;­Common oceanic animal adapta­tions include gills, special breathing organs used by some oceanic animals like fish and crabs; blowholes, an opening on the top of the head that's used for breathing; fins, flat, wing-like structures on a fish that help it move through the water; and stream­lined bodies. Produc­ers­:algae phytop­lankton Consum­ers­:zo­opl­ankton, small fish, and crusta­ceans Decomp­ose­rs:­fungi, marine worms, echino­derms, crusta­ceans and mollusks Food chains & Webs:algae plankton Trophic Levels­:high

Artic Tundra

Location on Earth:just below the ice caps of the Arctic, extending across North America, to Europe, and Siberia in Asia. Biotic and abiotic compon­ents: Biotic Factors: Low Shrubs (sedges, reindeer mosses, liverw­orts, and grasses), Crustose and Foliose Lichen, Herbivores (lemmings, voles, caribou), Carnivores (arctic foxes, wolves, polar bears), Migratory Birds (ravens, snow buntings, falcons, loons), Insects (mosqu­itoes, flies, moths, grassh­opp­ers­),t­emp­era­ture. Abiotic: Wind, rain, snow, sunlight, soil, rocks, permaf­rost. Physical Charac­ter­istics: Extremely cold climate, low biotic diversity. Simple vegetation struct­ure­,li­mit­ation of drainage, short season of growth and reprod­uction, energy and nutrients in form of Dead organic material, large population oscill­ations. Salinity: between 34 and 30 ppt Temper­atu­re:The average winter temper­ature is -30° F, but the average summer temper­ature is 37-54° F Soil Nutrie­nts:The soil of the tundra is also nutrient poor, so it lacks nitrogen and phosphorus – two important elements plants need to grow. This keeps the plants small and makes plant growth slow. Daylight hours:In summer, the sun remains above the horizon 24 hours a day for from 2 to 85 consec­utive days, depending on the latitude; in winter, it can remain below the horizon 24 hours a day for as long as 67 consec­utive days. All sunlight is received at oblique angles that average 41 degrees.
Organisms- polar bears snowy owls reindeers arctic foxes and musk ox. Adapta­tions: Warm winter coats. Many mammals have specia­lized coats to ward off the winter cold. ... Heat-e­ffi­cient body shape. ... Growth and reprod­uction. ... Camouf­lage. ... Hibern­ation. ... Snow as insula­tion. ... Perenn­ials. ... Heat Effici­ency. Produc­ers­:Grass, sedge, moss, lichen, willow shrub, wild berry plants, and aquatic phytop­lankton Consum­ers­:Arctic hares, caribou, musk ox, pika, lemmings, ptarmigan, and kea Decomp­ose­rs:­molds, yeasts, the fungi from lichen, and microo­rga­nisms called bacteria. Food chains & Webs:For instance, along the coast of the arctic tundra, phytop­lankton is at the bottom of the food chain. Zoopla­nkton eats the phytop­lan­kton, cod eats the zoopla­nkton, harbor seals eat the cod, and polar bears eat the seals. Polar bears, in this food chain example, would be the apex predator Trophic Levels­:pl­ants, herbivores and predators Predat­or/prey Intera­ctions The food chain in the Arctic Tundra consists of predators such as owls, foxes, wolves, and polar bears at the top of the chain. Predators hunt herbiv­ores, plant eating animals, such as caribou, lemmings, and hares.