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C Interview Questions Cheat Sheet (DRAFT) by

C Programming Common Interview Questions

This is a draft cheat sheet. It is a work in progress and is not finished yet.

Count Bits Set in a Byte

void count_bits(unsigned char number) {
   int cnt = 0;
   while (number !=0 ) {
      cnt += number&0x01;
      number >>= 1;
One altern­ative is a lookup table.

Set, Clear, Toggle a bit in a byte

y |= 1<<n
y &= ~(1 <<n)
y ^= (1<­<n)
Operating on the nth bit of

Reverse a Byte

uchar reverse_byte(uchar byte) {
   uchar new_byte = 0;
   int i = 0;
   for (i = 0; i<7; i++) {
      new_byte += (byte & 0x01);
      new_byte <<= 1;
      byte >>= 1;
   return (new_byte);

Strings - Reverse a String

void reverse(char *str)
   // Non-null pointer; non-empty string
   if (str != 0 && *str != '\0') { 
      char *end = str + strlen(str) - 1;
      while (str < end) {
         char tmp = *str;
         str++ = end;
         *end-- = tmp;

Strings - Reverse a String by Word

Strings - Implement strstr

Strings - atoi

int myAtoi(char *str) 
   int res = 0; // Initialize result 
   // Iterate through all characters of input string
   // and update result 
   for (int i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; ++i) 
      res = res*10 + str[i] - '0'; 
   // return result. 
   return res; 

Single Linked Lists - Data Structure

Typedef struct Node {
   int data;
   struct Node *next;
} node;
This is Linked List data structure used for the Linked Lists problems.

Single Linked Lists - Insert Head

void insert_node(node **head, int data) {
   // create new node and allocate memory
   node *new_node = malloc (sizeof(node));
   if (new_node == NULL) return 0;
   // set the new node data
   new_node->data = data;
   // we are adding the new node as head
   // update the next to point to current head
   new_node->next = *head;
   // update the head to point to the new node
   *head = new_node;
We pass a pointer to a pointer (**head) so when we update the pointer, we don't update the local copy only.

Single Linked Lists - Delete Node

void delete_node(node **head, int del) {
   node *tmp;
   if (*head == NULL) return;
   tmp = *head;
   if (tmp->data == del) {
      //delete head case
      *head = tmp->next;
   } else {
      while (tmp && tmp->next != NULL) {
         if (tmp->next->data == del) {
            // save the next node to be free'd
            node *n = tmp->next;
            // make the current next pointer
            // point to the deleted node next
            tmp->next = n->next;
         tmp = tmp->next;

Single Linked Lists - Find Lopp

int detectLoopandFindBegin(node *head) 
   node *slowPtr = head, *fastPtr = head;
   while(slowPtr && fastPtr && fastPtr->next) {                                                 
     slowPtr = slowPtr->next;                     
     fastPtr = fastPtr->next->next;
     if(slowPtr == fastPtr)
        return 1;
   return 0;